
Archive for the ‘Simple Living’ Category

Back in January I stopped cleaning my hair with shampoo and switched to a solution of baking soda a water for cleaning with a rinse of vinegar and water for balancing.

I didn’t do this to save money (though it is cheap!) and I didn’t do it to save the planet (though shampoos and conditioners are made of yucky chemicals). I did it because I was curious, and because I had bad hair so I figured it couldn’t make things worse.

I blame my second-born son for ruining my hair. Ever since he came along my hair has been straggly and uncooperative. Growing it out to any sort of length (Sorry, my dear husband, the “long” hair of my mid-twenties is history) is impossible due to the ratty ends and overall dullness.

Ah, but something interesting is happening. In the last few weeks I have noticed that my hair feels like it is in better shape than it has been in a long time. And when I got my hair cut today (Apologies again, to my dearest husband), even my hairdresser noticed that my hair is softer and something was mentioned about the cuticle which I didn’t really understand but I know that it was a good thing.

So ladies (and gentlemen). Do you want to save the planet? Save money? Or simply have better hair? If you say yet to any of these things, try the baking soda and vinegar trick. Learn more about it here.

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